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Privacy Policy

hiro !! jaca (hereinafter referred to as "us".), the smartphone application (hereinafter referred to as "Service".), which provides services and us to provide on this web site for the handling of privacy information in , as follows privacy policy (the "Policy".) it will establish.

Article 1 (Privacy Information)

Of Privacy Information "Personal Information" refers to the personal information protection law is intended to refer to "personal information" is information about individuals to survive, the name included in the information, date of birth, address, telephone number , it refers to the information that can identify a specific individual by contacts or other description, and the like.
Among the privacy information as "history information and characteristics information", as stipulated in the above refers to something other than "personal information", product was our service and you were use our purchase, pages and advertising history of a look, the user retrieved search keyword, use the date and time, the method of use, your environment, zip code, gender, occupation, age, user's IP address, cookie information, position information, I refers to such individual identification information of the terminal.

Article 2 (how to collect privacy information)

Us, cookie information when the user utilizes this service, game play data, the information the user enters the information such as the ID for identifying the game player, to gather when take advantage of this service .

Article 3 (purpose is to collect and use personal information)

purpose of us is to collect and use personal information is as follows.

(1) Purpose
to display the ranking data on the service, such as a score ranking for the unspecified number of users (2) In order to have you go to browse and modify your registration information to the user, and purpose
to display registration information, such as a nickname, the information such as data usage service (3) our purpose
to carry out such verification, change, delete the user information on to manage this service (4) The purpose
users to store data to be used on the Service when using this service (5) The purpose
corresponding to inquiries from users (6) The purpose
accompanying the above-mentioned purpose of use
Article 4 (third party provision of personal information)

Us, with the exception of the following cases, without previously obtaining the user's consent, never to provide personal information to third parties. However, unless you are permitted by the Personal Information Protection Law and other laws and regulations.
if based on laws and regulations (2) human life, even if it is necessary for the protection of the body or property,
when it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person (3)
when in a case where there is particularly necessary for the promotion of the improvement or the healthy growth of children and public health, it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person (4) national institution or person who received the local government or the commission is in a case where there is a need to cooperate with it to carry out the office prescribed by the laws and regulations, the implementation of the office by obtaining the consent of the person
when there is a risk that hinder the (5) If in advance are the following: the announcement or publication

That the purpose of use, including the provision to a third party Item
of data to be provided to third parties Means or method
of providing to a third party
To stop the provision of personal information to third parties at the request of the person Notwithstanding the provisions of the preceding set, the following cases it is assumed that it is not applicable to a third party.
(1) us.
Case to outsource all or part of the handling of personal information within the scope necessary to achieve the purpose of use (2) If the merger personal information in accordance with the succession of the business due to other reasons is provided
(3) The personal information in a case of using it jointly with the specific person, items that effect as well as jointly with the personal information to be utilized, and jointly and Use person range, persons utilizing For full name or the name of the person who has the responsibility for the management of the purpose of use and the personal information, it is notified in advance person, or when the person is being placed in the state to obtain easily know

Article 5 (disclosure of personal information)

Us, when asked to disclosure of personal information from the person, will disclose this to the person. However, by disclosing if applicable to any of the following, you may not disclose in whole or in part.
(1) the person or a third party of life, body, property
if there is a risk of harm to other rights and interests (2) our
if that could cause significant hindrance to the proper conduct of business (3) If a be in violation of other laws and regulations
Notwithstanding the preceding statutes, for the information of non-personal information, such as history information and characteristics information, it will not be disclosed as a general rule.

Article 6 (correction and deletion of personal information)

The user, in the case own personal information held by us is in the wrong information, in accordance with the procedures provided for by us is set, you can request a correction or deletion of personal information to us.
Us, if it is determined that the claim is required to respond to receiving a billing from the user's previous section performs correction or deletion of the personal information, and notifies this to the user.

Article 7 (personal information use stop, etc.)

Us, from his personal information, for reasons that are obtained by reason or fraudulent means, that are treated beyond the scope of the purpose of use, its use in stopping or erasing (hereinafter, "use called stop, etc. ".) If the prompted, make the necessary investigation, based on the results, it is carried out suspension of use of personal information, and to notify the purport person. However, if when the suspension of use of the personal information has a lot of money in a case it is difficult to perform other use stop or the like, and take measures to alternative necessary to protect the rights and interests of the person is , we will take this alternative.

Article 8 (Change of privacy policy)

The contents of this policy, without notifying the user, and shall be able to modify.
With the exception of the case which we determined separately, privacy policy after the change, we agree that we have become effective from the time it is posted on this web site.
Article 9 (Inquiry)

For inquiries about this policy, please contact the contact information below.


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